Sophie Chmura
Sophie Chmura is an art historian with a PhD in History. She’s particularly well known for her work on heritage and the process of heritagisation through the analysis of images and other visual representations. Recently she has collaborated on a book about the 1720 fire in Rennes: Gauthier Aubert et Georges Provost (dir.), Rennes, 1720. L’incendie, Rennes, PUR, 2020. She has also published an article, "La patrimonisalisation de la ville classique : Rennes, XVIIIe-XXe siècle" (The Heritage of the Classical Part of Rennes 18th-20th Century), Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest, 129-1/2022, 47-69. She regularly contributes to the study of the Musée de Bretagne’s collections and presents her findings to the public via the blog Musée Dévoilé.